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Educational Opportunities at SaddleBrooke Computer Club

WE ARE NOT - a group of computer geeks who sit around and talk about bits, bytes & processors. NO GEEK SPEAK HERE.

WE ARE - a teaching club, staffed by volunteers with expertise in computers, software, smart phones, cyber security, streaming TV and other related technical areas that you want to know more about. WE TEACH TECH YOU CAN USE through a variety of venues... 

ONE-ON-ONE HELP - we provide all the educational opportunities below, including organized classes, workshops, even one-on-one assistance in our Tech Help clinics IN THE COMPUTER CLUB CLASSROOM. We DO NOT OFFER IN-HOME ASSISTANCE. For that we recommend Senior Village at Saddlebrooke, Mezzabyte the computer store in the SaddleBrooke Blvd shopping area, or one of the other computer companies in the area.

Unlimited Courses in our Fully Equipped Classroom

Our primary venue for classes is in our classroom, equipped with PCs and Mac computers. Our class calendar is chocked full of courses. For a complete listing, see the "Classes" or "Calendar" link on this Website.
To enhance your classroom experience, we limit the number of people that can attend each class. Certain very popular classes fill quickly, so check often to make sure you get the classes you want.

Tech Help Clinic

One-on-One Help - Bring your device ... any desktop computer, laptop, smartphone, tablet, router, printer, camera, Internet of Things (IoT) or other tech item that you own. Experienced users will help you “one-on-one” IN THE COMPUTER CLUB CLASSROOM. WE DO NOT OFFER IN-HOME ASSISTANCE.

"Tech Cafe" technical discussion group

We are blessed to have Steve Solberg leading his popular Tech Cafe Discussion Group. The topics vary widely, and are generally a little more advanced than our other educational opportunities.


This group meets at MountainView B & G  East Room at 7:30 a.m. every other Tuesday. This is a good time to partake in the informal discussions over breakfast. This event also has a remote attendance option delivered via Zoom. Sign up for each Tech Cafe discussion session on the Class Calendar.

SB Computer Club Tech Discussion Location: MountainView B & G  East Room


Contact: Steve Solberg   cell: 520-818-1081


Time: 7:00AM to 9:00AM

Every other Tuesday

10-15 people


Tech Talks Meetings

These monthly meetings are open to ALL Saddlebrooke residents – club members and non-members alike. Meetings usually have a computer or related technical area subject speaker and include a question and answer session with knowledgeable PC and/or Apple instructors. A prize drawing is held at the end of each meeting.


Meetings are held at 1:00 p.m., usually on the third Monday of the month, with occasional variation depending on venue availability. Check our Website Calendar for exact date and topic.

Investing in YOU

We are continually updating our classroom equipment and infrastructure. To the delight of users and instructors, alike, all of our Macs and PCs have been upgraded with solid state drives. This result is a very noticeable increase in overall speed of these computers.


A new custom-built instructor’s PC was put into service, improving the performance of our instructor-led demonstrations. And a brand new Epson projector was recently installed, providing a bright, high resolution display at the front of the room..


It is your annual class fees that make these kind of upgrades possible. Our computer classroom is the envy of other similar clubs. It is our goal to keep all our equipment and software state-of-the-art to maximize your classroom experience and learning environment.

Not a Member? JOIN NOW.

If you are not a member of SaddleBrooke Computer Club, now is a good time to join so that all these opportunities are available to you. Click the "Sign Me Up: button below to join online, or contact us by email

Join Us Today and Sharpen Your Tech Skills!