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1:00pm: Windows 11: File Explorer & File Management
Event Contact(s)
Gary Warren
503.308.8864 (p)
Registration Info
Registration is required
14 Total Slots
5 Available Slot(s)
About this event
Windows 11: File Explorer & File Management
This class is perfect for the PC computer novice as well as those users who have upgraded from Windows 10 to Windows 11 and are having trouble “finding things” or need to organize the clutter on their computers.
This class uses hands-on exercises to demonstrate:
- Creating new folders
- Creating new files
- Moving files & folders around
- Renaming files & folders
- Copy & paste
- Resizing how the files appear on your monitor (minimizing, maximizing, dragging edges to change file display
- Best practices for organizing all the information on your computer
- How to determine if you’re running out of space
- Options for storing files & folders
- How the Recycle Bin works
- Working with multiple files at the same time
- How to “find” information stored on your computer
- What are “file extensions” and what do they mean
Attendance in the class “Introduction to PCs or a working knowledge of The Windows Task Bar and The Windows Start Menu. Bring a flash drive to download the class presentation.
WAITLIST INFORMATION: If this event is marked 'FULL' you may email the instructor to be placed on a waitlist. You will find the email address under 'Event Contact'
COURSE ENROLLMENT- Enrollment for this class is limited to 10 students. If you find you can no longer attend this class, BE SURE TO CANCEL so someone else can take your place. How? Login to the Website. Go to CLASSES > CLASS CALENDAR and click on the class. Click the CANCEL REGISTRATION button and confirm.