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HomeEvents9:00AM: Password & Passkey Management -- CANCELED

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Only 16 Spot(s) Left
9:00AM: Password & Passkey Management -- CANCELED

Date and Time

Wednesday, March 26, 2025, 9:00 AM until 10:30 PM


Silicon Room (Computer Club Classroom)
See Map
SaddleBrooke, AZ  

Event Contact(s)

Gary Warren
503.308.8864 (p)


PC & Mac

Registration Info

Registration is not Required
Registration cancellations will be accepted


16 Total Slots
16 Available Slot(s)

About this event

Course name - Password & Passkey Management


This class is for those who want to understand how to create strong passwords and use password managers to protect their online accounts. Passkeys, a more secure alternative to passwords, let you sign in to the website or app without having to enter a password.

In this class we’ll be covering the following:


Passkeys are to Passwords what Credit Card Chips are to Credit Card Swipes.

Password security: best practices, passphrases, PIN vs Pswd,


"hello webcam" - biometric facial recognition


Two-Step Verification, Authenticator Apps, Security Keys (Yubi)


Password managers, “free” Dashlane used as example


Passkey: "EASY Pswds" -Setup and use (Apple, Google, & Microsoft)

Prerequisites: Please bring a flash drive if you want a copy of the PowerPoint, PDF, and Videos used in class.

WAITLIST INFORMATION: If this event is marked 'FULL' you may email the instructor to be placed on a waitlist. You will find the email address under 'Event Contact'

. - If you find you can no longer attend this class, BE SURE TO CANCEL so someone else can take your place. How? Login to the Website. Go to CLASSES > CLASS CALENDAR and click on the class. Click the CANCEL REGISTRATION button and confirm.

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