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9:00am: Cutting the TV Cord: The Basics
Event Contact(s)
Bill Jackson
6127169737 (p)
Registration Info
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15 Total Slots
1 Available Slot(s)
About this event
Cutting the TV Cord: The Basics: An overview of how to replace satellite or cable TV by streaming any & all your preferred TV viewing using your existing internet service & TV’s. Learn about options for a flexible & cost-effective TV streaming set-up. Topic will include:
- Pros & cons of cutting the cord
- Specific steps for setting up streaming TV for your home
- Recommended streaming devices & content services
- Viewing local Tucson channels
- Special streaming strategies for seasonal SaddleBrooke residents
- Cloud-based DVRs & how to avoid commercials
- Options for using a “smart TV” for streaming
- Costs of streaming TV vs. cable/satellite TV
An additional 90-minute small discussion class, “Advanced Cutting the Cord: Tailoring YOUR Streaming Plan,” is also offered for participants who want a more in-depth and personal discussion of their individual situations, needs, and best options. Unless you are already familiar and experienced with TV streaming, it is highly recommended you first attend the above described “Basics” class for a foundation. Check the Computer Club website course listing to register for either or both these classes.
WAITLIST INFORMATION: If this event is marked 'FULL' you may email the instructor to be placed on a waitlist. You will find the email address under 'Event Contact'
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