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HomeEvents9:00AM: Microsoft Excel Numeric Use

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Only 1 Spot(s) Left
9:00AM: Microsoft Excel Numeric Use

Date and Time

Monday, April 21, 2025, 9:00 AM until 10:30 AM


Silicon Room (Computer Club Classroom)
See Map
SaddleBrooke, AZ  

Event Contact(s)

Richard Spitzer



Registration Info

Registration is required
Registration cancellations will be accepted


5 Total Slots
1 Available Slot(s)

About this event

Microsoft Excel Numeric Use



COURSE ENROLLMENT - Enrollment for this class is limited to 5 students unless you bring your own laptop with MS Excel (check with instructor by email-


COURSE LOCATION - Silicon room at the HOA2 Arts and Crafts Center


PREREQUISITES – Taken Microsoft Excel Data Entry & Use class or be able to put data into a spreadsheet. Have Microsoft 365 or recent version of Microsoft Excel.


COURSE DESCRIPTION – One 75-minute class weekly for 2 weeks. This is a class designed to expose the student to beginning principles of spreadsheets using Microsoft Excel 365 program. The emphasis for this class will be spent on using Excel numeric functions such as arithmetic, functions, formulas, graphs, and other tools. An example of this is creating budgets or investment tracking spreadsheets. 


Topics will include: 

  • Arithmetic operators
  • Formulas and Functions 
  • Templates
  • Charts & Graphs
  • Protect & Unprotect Sheets & Workbook

Saving & Printing

  • Password To Open Document



This course is not meant for experienced Excel users.


COURSE MATERIALS - Bring a personal Flash drive for transporting files between the classroom and home.

WAITLIST INFORMATION: If this event is marked 'FULL' you may email the instructor to be placed on a waitlist. You will find the email address under 'Event Contact'

. - If you find you can no longer attend this class, BE SURE TO CANCEL so someone else can take your place. How?Login to the Website. Go to CLASSES > CLASS CALENDAR and click on the class. Click the CANCEL REGISTRATION button and confirm.

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