PowerPoint Presentation Fundamentals
COURSE ENROLLMENT - Enrollment for this class is limited to 5 students unless you bring your own laptop with PowerPoint (check with instructor by email- rchrdsptzr@gmail.com).
COURSE LOCATION - Silicon room at the HOA2 Arts and Crafts Center.
PREREQUISITES - Comfortable navigating and using Windows directory. Knowledge of Microsoft WORD is helpful.
COURSE DESCRIPTION - Two 75-minute sessions over 2 weeks.
Course to expose students to presentation software using Microsoft 365 POWERPOINT program. This 2-session course begins with an overview of the PowerPoint desktop followed by the creation of a presentation. The Ribbon, Design and Editing, Insertion of Images, Slide Show creation, Themes, & Printing are covered.
COURSE MATERIALS - Have a personal Flash drive for transporting files between the classroom and home.
WAITLIST INFORMATION: If this event is marked 'FULL' you may email the instructor to be placed on a waitlist. You will find the email address under 'Event Contact'
IMPORTANT: CLASS SIZE IS LIMITED. - If you find you can no longer attend this class, BE SURE TO CANCEL so someone else can take your place. How?Login to the Website. Go to CLASSES > CLASS CALENDAR and click on the class. Click the CANCEL REGISTRATION button and confirm.